
Showing posts from August, 2023

Jasonic's Favorites: Batman

Hey, everyone! It's me, Jasonic! I have been away for the longest time and decided it was time to start another blog of movie reviews, ones that specifically focus on my favorite characters of all time. These include Spider-Man, Batman, Scooby-Doo, and Sonic the Hedgehog among many others for those who know me. For those who don't know me, this is a taste of what kind of person I am and I hope it shows through in my posts somehow. That said, I am going to kick off this blog with an all-time classic, Batman. Released in 1989, it was what many consider to be the first major cinematic adaptation of Batman aside from Batman: The Movie or the theatrical tie-in to the 1960s Adam West show. As a comic book superhero movie released prior to the revolution that took place in the 2000s with films like Spider-Man and X-Men, it did excellently at the box office and was very much successful with the critics. It defined many comic book nerds' childhoods and got a lot of people rein