
Showing posts from September, 2023

Jasonic's Favorites: Spider-Man

Hello and good evening, Internet! I reviewed this movie on my previous blog "Jasonic Reviews Favorite Movies", but I will reassure you that this will not be a carbon copy of that review, but rather some updated thoughts on what is, in my opinion, one of the greatest superhero movies of our time! Released in 2002, Spider-Man was ultimately what caused the current superhero film climate we experience today to occur in the first place. It was beyond successful at the box office and with the critics at the time and was, at that point, one of the few superhero films that remained true to the origin and source material of the character it was portraying. Up until this point, Spidey was relatively well-known with kids and comic book nerds with the former likely watching the TV shows such as the 60s show and the 90s Spider-Man: The Animated Series and the latter either casually or faithfully following the comics since the beginning. Whether this was your introduction to Spider-