
Showing posts from October, 2023

Jasonic's Favorites: Scooby-Doo

Hello and good evening, Internet! Most of my favorite movies I have reviewed in the past have been critically decent to good and stellar movies, but this one was originally seen as a stinker upon release. Now that I've had a chance to see it a couple times, I have to say that I completely disagree because for one, it's Scooby-Doo -- one of my favorite characters and franchises -- and two, there are weird spots in this movie, but the sum of its parts equates to a pretty decent flick in my opinion. That said, I'll be glad to share my thoughts on this one and maybe help people view this movie in a different light. Released in 2002, Scooby-Doo (or Scooby-Doo The Movie as it's sometimes called) was not the first live action attempt at a classic cartoon in existence, but it was among the first of several to utilize a CGI main or major character next to live actors. I remember seeing some previews for this movie when I was about six and was intrigued that they made a Sco