
Showing posts from November, 2023

Jasonic's Favorites: Sonic the Hedgehog

Hello and good evening, Internet! Many who know me are aware that this character is literally my favorite character of all time so the mere fact that this movie came out three years ago is a dream come true! In fact, it was the culmination of years of waiting and developing my own personal fanboy's take on what a Sonic movie should be like -- seriously, I wrote a 100+ page script about it featuring a majority of the franchise's characters and plot elements. Also if you're wondering where my blog name comes from, it's a combination of my name (Jason) and Sonic. Now that I've gotten to see this movie several times, I think it's only fitting that I finally review it! Released in 2020, Sonic the Hedgehog (the movie) was originally the subject of Internet controversy for a number of reasons. Fans of the franchise were skeptical about the prospect of this movie being live action + animated characters together -- a concept that Hollywood has often portrayed poorl