
Showing posts from April, 2024

Jasonic's Favorites: Spider-Man 2

Hello, and good evening, Internet! My prior blog also had a review of this movie along with the rest of the Sam Raimi/Tobey Maguire Spider-Man trilogy. Even if my thoughts on this movie have hardly changed, I still felt the need to update it to my current blog along with the current format I utilize. Released in 2004, Spider-Man 2 is unquestionably one of -- if not THE -- greatest superhero movie of all time and for many -- myself included -- it maintains that title to this day. Coming off the heels of its predecessor, Sam Raimi had a lot to live up to with this being a sequel to what was, at the time, the most successful superhero movie of all time. Of the Spider-Man movies he made, this has remained the most positive in terms of critical reception and while financially it was beaten by its successor, it was still one of the most successful superhero movies of its time and one of the most overall successful movies of 2004. Whereas Spider-Man 1 became the reason for superheroes po