
Showing posts from August, 2024

Jasonic's Favorites: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Hello, and good evening, Internet! The start of the school year in my town last week only means it's time for a new year at Hogwarts for fans of the series! Released in 2002, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is regarded as one of the best Harry Potter films by many -- it certainly is the longest surprisingly. As a sequel to the first movie, it works well both as a continuation and on its own due to having a virtually similar plot to its predecessor and there not being nearly as much baggage in this movie compared to a majority of the later films. With the first movie cementing the film franchise's success, this second movie naturally became a critical and financial success and has been regarded as better than the first similar to its book counterpart. Part of that has to do with the fact that this film, like any good sequel in a trilogy/series, becomes darker in terms of story, tone, and aesthetic, something I always attribute to the success of Star Wars: The Empir